Is your page not loading or are there errors in the rendering of the content?
This is mostly caused by a brief interruption of the internet connection.
More than 95% of all reported problems can be solved by themselves and are not technical issues with the online platform as such.
Please try the following:
Restart your computer/ smartphone
Establish a stable internet connection
Reload the page
If you have a lot of browser tabs open, close them.
Check if a virus scanner/ ad blocker/ clean-up tools or browser extension is affecting the function of your system. Deactivate them.
Use Google Chrome as your browser
Clear the cache of your browser
Test it on another device (smartphone or laptop, desktop computer)
If it works on another device, then you know that the issue is with your device. If the tips above do not help, then the device should be taken to a computer specialist for inspection.
Technical support can only take action once you or your customer have gone through the steps above.
How do you submit a support request so that support can help you quickly?
Leave your email address in the chat and tell us your name.
If something doesn't work, please tell us what exactly doesn't work and which of the above steps you have already tried
Send us a screen recording with Loom Video and explain exactly what is not working.
You can find your admin URL here. Please send us this (see attached screenshot)
The admin URL is not the address for your member (*