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Custom Properties
Custom Properties

Display user-specific content with custom properties.

Updated over a week ago

You can assign user-specific properties to members of your audience. Currently, two types of properties are supported: text and link.

Creating Properties

To create a property, go to settings → custom properties and click on “Add new Property”. Give the property a name and select between the two types, text and external link. Click save.

Using External Link Properties

At the moment, only External Link Properties can be used to customize what a member can see.

You can add the property in the members detail-view. Fill out the property and click on save.

Now you can add a “link widget” to your portal page and select the property from the drop-down menu:

Only members with the property will be redirected to the custom link, other members won't be able to access the link.

Filling iFrames with custom links

Links that are added to a member can also be used in iFrame codes. The HTML code can access the link via the form {{{custom-name_of_property_field}}}. Spaces are replaced by underscores and the name is written in lower case.

This could be used in the example for a member-specific Google Sheet:

<iframe width="100%" height="400px" src="{{{custom-google_sheet}}}"></iframe>

Setting Custom Properties with API

We added the ability for customers to set Custom Properties via our API, allowing them to set values for custom properties they’ve previously added to their account.

This can be done by customers who have the API Add-On, which is included in the Enterprise subscription plans. To access our API documentation, click here.

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